project « Histoire pour la Liberte »
was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme
"Europe for Citizens" Applicable
to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 "Networks of Towns" Measure
2.3 "Civil Society Projects" Strand 1
– "European Rememberance" |
Preparatory activities (if applicable): the
activities involved 15 participants. Location /
Dates: Zagreb/Belgrade/online, March/April 2021 Short description: these activities consisted
of regular email correspondences between project consortium members, joint
and 1-on-1 meetings of project coordinator and other partners, as well as the
kick off meeting (Zagreb), during which base program elements, project team,
exact timetable, communication, monitoring and evaluation plan were defined. Preparatory
activities for local public events were done by local project partners in
close cooperation with the project coordinator. At the beginning of the
project, a media conference announcing project aims, activities and partners
was held in Belgrade (April) in hybrid format gathering all project partners
and regional media in situ and online. Events: 6 events have been carried out within this
project: knowledge Participation: The event involved
145 citizens,
including 116
participants from the city of Zagreb
(Croatia), 10 participants from the city of Belgrade
10 participants from Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and 9
participants from Berlin (Germany). Location / Dates: The event took place in Zagreb, Croatia on 12/05/2021 Event
2 – Round Table “From the common past to dived history” Location / Dates: The event took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 09/06/2021 Event
3 – Conference “Historians for peace” 53 participants from the city of Novi Sad
(Serbia), 21 participants from Zagreb (Croatia), 12 from Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and 9 from Berlin (Germany). Location / Dates: The event took place in Belgrade, Serbia on 29/08/2021
Participation: The event involved 51 citizens, including 42 participants from the city of Berlin (Germany), 3 from Belgrade (Serbia), 3 From Zagreb (Croatia), and 3
from Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Location / Dates: The event took place at
Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany on 26/10/2021 Short description: The round table was
realized within the project activity “Discussing history through culture of
remembrance”. The aim of the event was to reflect on the European unity in
the context of comparative historiography. Event
5 – Lecture “Defend History” 11 participants from the city of Novi Sad
3 from Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 2 from Zagreb (Croatia) and 1
from Berlin (Germany). Location / Dates: The event took place in Belgrade, Serbia on 16/11/2021 transferring of knowledge to younger generations, thus
stimulating reflection on common history, ensuring multiplying effect and
contributing to the development of future network among historians,
professors and students of history. Event 6 – Podcasts Participation: 50 participants
were involved Location / Dates: Belgrade,
Sarajevo, Zagreb, Berlin over the course of June-July, August-October, and
November 2021 Short description: “Promoting a
common culture of remembrance and mutual understanding between citizens” project activity included production and
dissemination of 4 podcasts published and promoted on partners’ websites and
social media profiles. |
Sve objave od Kreso
Poziv nakladnicima
Festival povijesti Kliofest 2022.
Poštovani kolegice i kolege,
u Zagrebu će se u Nacionalnoj i sveučilišnoj knjižnici od 17. do 20. svibnja 2022. održati Festival povijesti Kliofest 2022.
Prodajna izložba knjiga organizirat će se kao i u doba prije pandemije – naravno ako ne bude novih iznenađenja virusa SARS-CoV-2: u predvorju Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice bit će postavljeni štandovi za knjige – jedan veći središnji štand i nekoliko manjih od 2 m² za pojedinačni nastup. Središnji će štand voditi Naklada Dominović – s njima se treba dogovoriti oko uvjeta prodaje knjiga.
Prodajna izložba bit će otvorena od utorka do petka (17.-20. V. 2022.) od 11 do 19.00 sati.
Na festivalu će se moći izlagati isključivo znanstvene, stručne i popularno-znanstvene knjigeiz područja povijesti i srodnih znanosti (arheologije, povijesti umjetnosti, etnologije i kulturne antropologije i dr.) iz vlastitog nakladničkog programa, ili izdanja hrvatskih i inozemnih nakladnika koji nisu prisutni na Festivalu, a s kojima izlagači imaju ugovor o zastupanju.
Svaki nakladnik koji sudjeluje na festivalu imat će mogućnost da za potrebe programa organizira barem jedno predstavljanje svoga izdanja ili autora, odnosno da dovede nekog gosta o svom trošku, u dogovoru s organizatorima.
Molimo da u nastavku upitnik o Vašem interesu za sudjelovanje ispunite što prije kako bi se mogao prirediti raspored štandova i upotpuniti program.
U Zagrebu, 4. travnja 2022.
prof. dr. Damir Agičić
Hrvatski nacionalni odbor
za povijesne znanosti
Upitnik za nakladnike
Ukoliko želite možete nam tražene podatke i prijedlog programa poslati i kao zaseban dokument na info@kliofest.hr